Digital champion - (names here)


Yammer is a communication and productivity tool which helps enable the shift to a dynamic internal network rather than static and siloed communication structures. Yammer is a part of Office365 by Microsoft.

Yammer improves openness and transparency, and supports the creation of value as a collective. This is because it invites contributions from people who might not normally be perceived as having expertise or interest in a topic.


You can fill out your profile, including a picture and job title, by clicking on the gear icon and selecting 'edit profile'.

You can also change your settings for receiving email updates by clicking on the gear icon.

Discussions in Yammer take place in a conversation format, and the default is that conversations are visible to all members of the group.

Yammer has useful apps on both Android and iPhone.


Groups are a way of focusing conversations around distinct topics. The groups are accessed from the menu on the LHS of the screen.