Digital champions - (names here)

Keep it simple

Focus on one subject per tweet. Short and concise makes impact while keeping your message clear. Link to a relevant article to support your message or direct traffic to your website.

Be visual

As they say, "A picture speaks a thousand words," but more importantly, they attract the eye. Within a feed updating new content every second, anything that makes your tweet stand out is a must.

Don't limit yourself to 140 characters. Videos can convey longer messages (up to 30 seconds) and GIFs can be used to highlight snapshots of a story or event or used as a call to action.


Use relevant hashtags assigns your tweet to a topic and a list of similar posts, all while making it easier to find. Hashtags are great to include activity all in one place. Thinks of hashtags are directories, for example our #greenenergywales which displays all content from our previous Wales Green Energy Awards. By not including the date/year, the hashtag can be used again all while creating a legacy.

Call to action

Why use Twitter for business? It normally comes down to sharing information or asking users to do something.

Make sure your tweet includes a link as this will engagement, traffic to your website and supports the purpose of the tweet. By including a link, measuring engagement and traffic is also easier.


Social media, it's in the name. From retweets to replies, engagements on Twitter makes the user to feel valued and not on the receiving end of a marketing robot. Ask questions, have a conversation, give kudos to a member by mentioning them in a tweet- by doing so you are strengthening your brand and making yourself a creditable tweeter.

Measure and manage

There are many social media management tools out there which gather all your profiles in one place, with Hootsuite and Tweetdeck being the most popular for Twitter. Features include the option to schedule tweets (handy for events.)

*Publication via University of York on the importance of Twitter Analytics*