Responsible use of social media for professional engagement is strongly encouraged, subject to an understanding of the following guidelines

  1. Be a good representative. If you use public-facing digital media as part of your job, be honest about who you are and what you do.

  2. Be respectful. Be polite, open, respectful and honest. Avoid jargon and stay professional at all times. Make sure that you respect confidentiality – do not share confidential information about the RenewableUK or our partners, or personal information about colleagues or customers. Remember to respect not only the reputation of RenewableUK but the feelings of others too. Don’t criticise or embarrass people; avoid unnecessary and unproductive arguments. If dealing with an unhappy respondent, try to take the conversation offline to find a resolution.

  3. Be responsive. Make an effort to share what you know and put people in touch with someone who can help if you can’t. Respond to questions and comments in a timely manner. Seek advice from colleagues

  4. Be credible and consistent. Be accurate, fair, thorough and transparent. Make sure that what you say about a topic online is consistent with company political and policy views, and is preferably underpinned by evidence

  5. Be aware of the law. All posts and comments (including those made by others) on company digital networks could be held to account. If someone believed comments were libellous or defamatory (unfair comments that can damage someone else’s reputation), they could take action against you or RenewableUK