Before the event

'Static' (or one-off) activities

  1. Update your signature (Outlook plus Hubspot) to include a Call To Action (CTA) for your next event. You can use Hubspot to create your basic signature, and edit in a live html editor
  2. Put a diary marker in for the day after the event to update your signature!
  3. Pinned tweet - advertise the event via an attractive, engaging tweet pinned to the top of your account
  4. Banner advert/'Call to Action' (CTA). Put a diary marker in for the day after the event to remove!
  5. Organise media partners and incentivise them to support your event with free tickets
  6. Advertise the event with meta-sites such as Fatsoma
  7. Identify your top social media supporters via Hubspot, and consider how to engage them with promoting the event. Very high profile social media performers should get personal attention from senior staff members
  8. Engage a skilled colleague or professional photographer to take photos during the day

'Ongoing' activities

  1. Email potential attendees via appropriate segments of your email list, and have monthly mailshots leading up to the event. If your event management platform is tied to your email platform, send different ones to registered attendees vs unregistered
  2. Promote via the LinkedIn showcase page. If relevant, a daily update on new attendee figures, new attendee companies. Every week highlight sponsors and exhibitors. Same on Twitter, Instagram and G+

During the event

  1. Ensure that you have good twitter cover during the day (bilingual if relevant)

After the event

  1. Thankyou cards to exhibitors and sponsors (via Touchnote or equivalent)