1. Start with the end user. All of our actions have as our final goal the success and delight of our customers/stakeholders
  2. Building resilience and skills. We develop as many skills in-house as possible enabling our staff to improve their competences
  3. Innovative. We welcome suggestions of new and/or different ways of doing things, and are happy to experiment where practicable
  4. Digital as standard. We seek a digital channel for every activity which has an audience, or we justify not doing so on grounds of superior efficiency, cost or other overriding reason
  5. A home for every byte. We obtain information from many sources, most of which has value. Our duty is to find the correct home for it
  6. Openness as a virtue. We share anything internally that we do not have to keep private. We share anything externally that leads to greater member success and/or greater reputational or financial impact. We use open-source software or platforms unless there is an overriding commercial imperative not to
  7. Safe and private. Where we hold data or information on behalf of colleagues, members or other stakeholders, we operate good practice on safeguarding that data
  8. Voluntarity. We encourage and support staff to engage, but only mandate where it is critical to business activity
  9. Good practice. We seek out and implement good practice in every digital area, with simplicity being a dominant driver